Saturday, September 20, 2014

Kosmo's Final Review Reel

Kosmo's Final Review Reel from Kevin Kosmo on Vimeo.

This is the revised version of the reel I compiled for my Final Review at the Art Institute of Washington. If I pass this review, I'll be graduating in December 2014.

The animation segments have audio. So, keep the sound on. Ok?

Wait for the post-credit scene, too!

Monday, September 1, 2014

My first try at ZBrushing

Bun Bun by kevinkosmo on deviantART

So, when I was in Ai Minnesota, Leah and I came up with character designs for animal version of ourselves. (go check out her awesome animation stuff on

Here is Leah's concept.

She's wearing a torn-tennisball hat and a supercute bunny panty.
There's a sketch for watermelon hat, too, .. somewhere in my book.

annd the next one is my version.

So, it took me a couple of days watching tutorials on Digital Tutors. Bun Bun took one weekend from the start to finish. The hardest part is setting up lights and trying to get the best render result (Trial & Error eat up a lot of time).

Wish I tried ZBrush sooner. There's more of this kind of stuff to come :)
