The Man Who Fell To Earth by kevinkosmo on DeviantArt
So, since the beginning of this month (March 2016), I started to learn Maya. With the recent passing of David Bowie, I decided to pay tribute to him by modeling him in Maya and sculpting in zBrush. His reference photos are pretty easy to find. I also watched "The Man Who Fell To Earth" and "Labyrinth" for the first time!...and took many screenshots to get his face from as many angles as possible.
I can't really show you my finished low poly version because it looks like a dummy. I'll show you this w.i.p. shot tho.
So I came across this artist by the name of Jessine Hein who sculpted Bowie's original fucked up teeth. I used Jess' sculpture as reference to model Bowie's dentures in Maya for low-poly model.
Bowie got into a fight and got punched in the eye when he was a kid. One of his eyes never stopped freaking out ever since.
Here's the final piece again...just in case, the plug-in on top from DeviantArt fails to load.
So, uh, ya! That's about it! It took me about 20 days to create a cgi Bowie tribute character. Most of the time went into watching tutorials and experimentation though. And now that I know how to do things, the next project should take much much less time of course!
zBrush files (.ztl tool files for this model) are available for my patrons on Patreon